
MBKM Universitas Surabaya

Kickstart your tech career with Bangkit

Designed to prepare students with in-demand skills and tech certifications, the Bangkit curriculum offers 3 interdisciplinary learning paths – machine learning, mobile development, and cloud computing. By the end of this program, you’ll be equipped with the tech expertise and soft skills you need to transit from academia to the workplace and succeed at leading companies.

Growing world-class tech talent in Indonesia with Kampus Merdeka

This year, Bangkit is offered as an approved Kampus Merdeka’s Studi Independen Bersertifikat program supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. We’re enrolling up to 3,000 university students across 3 learning paths to help them grow in-demand skills in tech and prepare them to take Google’s certification. The program runs throughout the even semester of 2022.

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